Top Javascript Frameworks in 2024

JavaScript is one of the important technologies out there in the world of development. According to Statista reports, it was the most popular programming language used by developers in 2022 and the same position continuous in 2023.

This programming language is used to build server-side, client-side, desktop and mobile apps.

It is used to design apps with the right features and functionalities as well as build interactive user-interfaces.

However, when it comes to choosing the right JavaScript framework for your project, it can end up as a daunting task even for a Professional Javascript Developers.

To help you out, here we have come up with a list of JavaScript frameworks which are best and powerful to be used for your next project.

Before we get at it, let’s see what JS framework is all about…

JavaScript framework is nothing but a JavaScript library which renders interactive and data-driven interfaces. Whenever a user triggers an interaction on the interface or the application, the users will be supplied with data.

In actual sense, frameworks and libraries are different in case of JavaScript, but their main purpose is to display data to the users whenever they make an interaction.


AngularJS is an open source framework which is used to develop dynamic web applications. This structural framework is based on client-side technology and it brings together the functionalities of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. This makes it possible for the developers to build their templates based on HTML. Again, based on the needs of the components in the application, developers can extend the HTML syntaxes.

You can breakdown your application into multiple components with Angularjs App Development. The components can then be broken down into files which will make it easy to write and manage the app.

Compared to imperative coding, AngularJS considers declarative code better when it comes to building user-interfaces and binding together software components. For developing native apps, it considers using NativeScript. Within the template, you can add local variables and loops. During the user data binding, you can track, process and display changes.


ReactJS is another JavaScript library which is open source in nature and is used to develop a user interface for Single Page Applications. By using React JS, it is possible for you to handle the view layers for your mobile and web apps. Using the React JS framework, you can easily develop reusable UI components. Developers can now come up with large applications and without having to reload the page can update the data. React JS is mostly preferred to build enterprise applications that are powerful and high performing. User interfaces like Instagram and Facebook empower this JS framework.

Facebook developed React to be simple, fast and scalable. You can even use it along with other JavaScript libraries. Here the coding is simplified compared to other JS frameworks as it makes use of the JavaScript extension JSX to keep the syntaxes simpler and shorter. React can easily pair up with the popular PHP framework of Laravel for app development. ReactJS Development follows the MVC model and so you can easily make an update to the UI without having to fetch a fresh view from the server.


Vuejs is a progressive JavaScript library which is lightweight in nature. It functions with Virtual DOM and it makes use of most of the common web technologies to build apps as per the needs of the users. Vue makes use of single file components and plain HTML-based templates. By using the Vue JS framework, the developers can write actual CSS.

Vue can be called as a perfect solution to build interactive web interfaces and user interfaces and easy and fast applications. By using Vue, you can even develop advanced single page web applications. One of the top benefits of using Vue is that you can automatically track the dependencies of components during its rendering. Again, the components which need to be re-rendered during the state changes are informed by Vue to the system.


Apple Music which is available in Apple’s iTunes program is an example of an Ember-based mobile app. It was launched in 2011 and now is used to develop large scale mobile and web apps. Ember is an open source framework which is highly opinionated and is used to develop flexible web applications. Ember can be considered as a perfect solution when you are planning to either build a complete development stack, or a large web app or a Single Page Application. The Handlebars layout and the backend architecture of Ember help the developers to write advanced HTML tags which are right for the said application. The convention over configuration approach makes it possible to start quickly. The developers get to understand and use the complicated functionalities in the app using the friendly APIs that come with Ember. Moreover, with Ember, you can enjoy quality support and unmatched admin control. When it comes to being the best client-side JavaScript framework, Ember is the better option compared to Polymer and Mithril.


Meteor.js also known as Meteor Magic, is a full-stack JavaScript framework. You can build feature-rich applications using Meteor as it brings on the table an extensive range of libraries and packages. This framework needs less coding and is very much flexible. This means you will have high-quality apps with fewer bugs.

Meteor offers support for database management, backend development, and front-end rendering. By using this full-stack framework, you will be able to create end-to-end web and mobile applications which are completely coded in JavaScript. You can make use of the packages and libraries based on your need.

With fewer amounts of time and effort, all the changes made in the database get moved to the UI. This itself is enough to prove its performance. All the phases in the software development cycle get covered here. If you take a close look, then you will realize that Meteor is nothing but a comprehensive solution package which has React, Blaze, Angular, MongoDB, and Cordova.


Mithril is a client-side JavaScript framework which is used by developers to develop Single Page Applications. The framework is small in size and fast and comes with features like XHR utilities and out of the box routing. Without the need of polyfills, this framework supports all browsers. Here the amount of DOM updates gets reduced as it makes use of optimized and sophisticated Virtual DOM.

The JavaScript comes with declarative API, which takes care of all the UI complexity an application has. This is the reason why it offers support for a rendering model which is capable of recreating a virtual DOM tree as a whole. Within a few minutes, you can learn routine, components and XHR. Mithril comes up with vnode data structures which are used by JavaScript engines in order to access the performance of data structure through compiling.

Code auditing becomes fast and easy as Mithril.js comes with the smaller codebase. Mithril is very helpful for the developers as it comes with extensive APIs and introductory tutorials, which will help them get started with building apps.


Node.js is built on JavaScript Engine of Google’s Chrome and is a server-side JavaScript framework. You can use this open-source framework in runtime environments to build networking and server-side applications. NodeJs Development can also be used while developing APIs and backend services.

The applications build on Node can be used on operating systems like Microsoft Windows, Linux, and MacOS. It can handle multiple requests asynchronously because of its single-threaded event loop. To build editing-type and real-time collaborative applications, Node.js is the perfect option. The latest version of Node.js offers support of ESM, and it comes with a large number of NPM package and open source libraries.


Aurelia is a JavaScript framework which is developer-friendly and advanced. It presents it as “the next generation UI framework”. Aurelia is a collection of a number of open source JS modules which were basically written in ECMAScript.

By using the framework of Aurelia, it is possible for the developers to develop components by using plain, JavaScript or Vanilla TypeScript. Aurelia framework is completely modular as it comes with a collection of libraries which makes use of well-defined interfaces for functioning. There is no need to specify controllers of view model as Aurelia follows MV* approach.

Lately, the framework has considered including improvements like server-side rendering, user experience development, and state management. Chances are there that the next version may completely turn to TypeScript.


It was in May 2013 that Google launched Polymer. This JavaScript library is open source and the developers can use it to develop web apps by making use of Web Components. In actual sense, Polymer is designed in such a manner that it can make use of the specifications of the new Web Components in order to let the developers create custom elements. The developers use web Components in order to develop reusable custom elements for the built-in elements of the browsers. In order to come up with cleaner code, you can break your app into modules which are easy to maintain and less expensive.

The Polymer is the first of its kind in terms of JavaScript library to make use of component composition to support the development of interactive applications. The two major strengths of the Polymer are components of the framework and structure design process. To experience more of component-based web development, developers can combine together Polymer and React. Polymer explains the components into an HTML file. The Polymer is one of those JavaScript frameworks which let the developers to make use of Spring Boot REST resources.


Backbone.js was released in 2010 is considered as a very lightweight JavaScript framework to choose. By using this framework, it is possible to create Single Page Applications and client-side apps which run in web browsers with better flexibility.

By using Backbone.js, it is possible to offer an MVP network which can be used by developers to present data in the form of Models. On the server of your app, you can save, delete, create or validate these models. Backbone.js makes it possible for the developers to choose the right tool that they need for the project. While keeping the controller as optional, companies and developers can use any code as its controller. This framework does not bring a template engine of its own.

Backbone.js offers unmatched support for RESTful APIs and with it; you can map models to the endpoints of RESTful. The developers without worrying about the framework used can work towards improving the performance of the app as here developers are left with the task of writing data binding on their own.

Wrapping it up

So here we are with a number of top JavaScript frameworks which you can consider for your next project. Which JavaScript framework you should choose for your project depends on the project requirements as well as the functionality you need in the project.

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    As the CEO of Aglowid IT Solutions, Ronak lead a team focused on strategic IT consulting, digital transformation, data science, AI, ML, and advanced analytics. He help businesses navigate technological landscapes, streamline operations, and achieve their goals through innovative solutions.

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