Django Hosting: Best Hosting Services for Django

Quick Summary:

Decided on Django Python Framework for your next project? Finding best Django Hosting option is crucial from a performance, scalability, security, reliability and cost-effectiveness point of view. We have curated a list of best Django CMS hosting services to help you find the perfect fit to power your project.

Django is one of the first pick Python frameworks built by some of the most talented developers with a clean pragmatic design that enablers developers to streamline the development process of highly complex, data-driven and dynamic projects.

Best Hosting for Django: Django Hosting Providers

Chances are you already are well-aware of the benefits of Django as a Python based framework but have certain questions or doubts regarding its hosting options like:

  • Where should I host my Django app?
  • What is Django web hosting?
  • How much does it cost to host Django?

If you are looking for Django hosting services or are confused about where to deploy Django app, your search ends here. Here is the ultimate Django Hosting Services Guide that will measure some of the most popular Django hosting providers on the merit of their basic functionality, features, limitations and other crucial aspects.

Popular Django Hosting Providers

Django Hosting Services Pricing Model Min. Server Requirement Support Ideal For
Heroku Pay-as-you-go Not Specified 24/7 Support via Ticketing Start-ups, SMEs
PythonAnywhere Monthly Plans Python >=3.7 Forums, Email, Help Pages Start-ups
DigitalOcean Pay-as-you-go Not Specified 24/7 Support, Email, Live Chat, Ticket Escalation Scalable Enterprise Django Projects
Bluehost Monthly Plans Python 2.5/3.5+ 24/7 Support via Phone, Ticketing, Live Chat Start-ups, SMEs Monthly Plans Not Specified 24/7 Support via Phone, Ticketing, Live Chat Multi-Environment Projects
AWS Django Hosting (AWS Beanstalk) Pay-as-you-go Not Specified 24/7 Support via Ticketing and Forums Enterprise Django Projects with High Traffic
Microsoft Azure Pay-as-you-go Not Specified 24/7 Support via Ticketing, Forums Enterprise Django Projects with Microsoft Ecosystem
Google Cloud Platform Pay-as-you-go Not Specified 24/7 Support
Multi-Lingual Support
Technical Support
Scalable Enterprise Django Projects

1. Heroku Django Hosting

Heroku is one of the best cloud hosting for deploying Django applications. It started off as a Ruby hosting platform but has expanded its services to many other languages which includes Python based framework – Django.

Heroku is developed, maintained and powered by Salesforce which puts a lot of clients at ease about its reliability, scalability and other such factors. It is ideal for startups or non-technical firms as well since it provides a fast and reliable hosting environment for Django without needing any complex configuration.

Key Features of Heroku for Django CMS

  • Ease of Deployment
  • Automatic Scaling
  • Addons Marketplace
  • CI/CD
  • Heroku CLI
  • Rollback Friendly
  • Multiple Language Support
  • Logging and Monitoring Tools

Key Features of Heroku for Django CMS

Benefits of Heroku Hosting CMS

  • Easy Cloud Integration
  • Efficient Horizontal Scaling
  • Platform Security
  • Instant and Reliable Rollbacks
  • High Uptime and Availability
  • Automatic Backups
  • Developer-Friendly

Limitations of Heroku Hosting CMS

  • Limited Customization & Control
  • Finite Customization Options
  • Default Heroku Postgres Database Performance Issues
  • Vendor Lock-In & Complex Migration

Heroku Django Pricing Models

Heroku Pricing Models Averaging Pricing Ideal For
Eco and Basic $5 and up per month For Testing Apps
Production $25 and up per month Customer Facing Apps/ Internal Web Apps
Advanced $250 and up per month Complex Apps with High Availability, Low Latency, Handling Concurrent Requests
Enterprise Contact Vendor/Custom Pricing Compliance Management and Collaboration Requirements

For more information you can check Heroku’s official pricing plans.

2. PythonAnywhere Hosting for Django

PythonAnywhere is a professional cloud-based Django web hosting service provider. Well, it works with most Python frameworks, which includes Django as well. It simplifies the deployment and management aspect of Django projects significantly. Using PythonAnywhere, expert Django developers can create a web-based interface for managing, accessing and configuring accounts, consoles and web apps.

Key Features of PythonAnywhere Django CMS Hosting

  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Set-up Virtual Environment
  • Seamless Git Integration
  • Easy Web App Configuration
  • Logging & Error Handling
  • Task Scheduling

Key Features of PythonAnywhere Django CMS Hosting

Benefits of PythonAnywhere for Django

  • Easy Onboarding and Setup
  • User Friendly Web-Based Interface
  • Reliable Database Integration
  • Efficient Collaboration & Sharing
  • Task Scheduling
  • Various Database Integration Support

Limitations of PythonAnywhere for Django

  • Limited Server Access
  • Scaling Limitations compared to Cloud Platforms
  • Ephemeral File System
  • Limited Database Integration Options
  • Monthly Pricing Plan Structure
  • Web-Based Resource Limitations

PythonAnywhere Django Pricing Models

PythonAnywhere Pricing Models Averaging Pricing Ideal For
Hacker $5/month A website with 10,000 hit/day
Web Dev $12/month A website with 150,000 hits/day
Startup $99/month A website with 1,000,000 hit/day
Custom $5 to $500/month Can be scaled to your requirements

To get a detailed understanding of all the packages you can head over to PythonAnywhere’s pricing plans.

3. DigitalOcean Django Hosting Platform

DigitalOcean has earned its name in comparison to GCP, Microsoft Azure and AWS Cloud Hosting Platform in terms of performance capabilities, reliability, scalability and ease of use.  It does all this while retaining the simplicity of configuration and setup which makes it feel less intimidating than the other mentioned options in this top Django hosting services list. DigitalOcean is ideal for startups and enterprises to handle basic hosting requirements.

Key Features of Digital Ocean for Django

  • Developer-Friendly Environment and UI
  • SSD Storage leading to faster Read/Write
  • Networking Integrations, Firewalls and Floating IPs
  • Built in Monitoring Tools and Customizable Alerts
  • Various APIs & Integrations
  • Proper Documentation and Community Support

Key Features of Digital Ocean for Django

Benefits of DigitalOcean Django Hosting

  • Cost-Effective Pricing Plans
  • Global Availability
  • High Availability through Floating IPs
  • Kubernetes Support
  • Existing Community Projects & Marketplace

Limitations of DigitalOcean Django Hosting

  • Limited Scalability Options
  • No Managed Services Support for MySQL & PostgreSQL
  • Data Transfer Costs and Monthly Limits
  • Not Suitable for Enterprises
  • Limited Services compared to other Django Managed Services

DigitalOcean Django Hosting Pricing Plans

DigitalOcean breaks down their managed hosting services plans into different functionalities that you can pick and pay for on monthly basis. You can check DigitalOcean official pricing plans for more details. Here are some of their basic pricing quotations –

DigitalOcean Modules Average Pricing Purpose
Droplets $4/month Virtual Machines
Kubernetes $12/month Automated Deployment, Scaling and other managed services
App Platform Free
Functions Free
Databases $15/month Handling and maintaining databases
Volumes $10/month Block Storage
Load Balancers $12/month Network Handling and Management
Container Registry Free Store and manage Private Container Images
Support Plan Free Email Support, Forums, FAQs
Uptime Free Uptime and Latency Checks, Email and Slack Alerts

Also Read: – Python Optimization: Performance, Tips & Tricks

4. Bluehost Django Hosting

Bluehost is the best hosting service for Django for many businesses as it is feature-packed and has various hosting solutions. Generally popular as a reliable WordPress hosting platform it is also commonly used for Python based Django hosting. Though it doesn’t provide Django specific features it is still a worthy consideration for setting up your Django hosting platform.

Key Features of Bluehost Hosting for Django

  • Multiple Hosting Options – Shared, Dedicated and VPS
  • Domain Purchase, Management & Managed Services
  • Easy to use Control Panel
  • One-Click App Installation
  • Scalability and Relevant Resources

Key Features of Bluehost Hosting for Django

Benefits of Bluehost for Django

  • Enhanced Security Features
  • Email Hosting and CDN
  • Ecommerce Support and Features
  • Developer Friendly Environment
  • Resource Reliability
  • Active Community and Proper Documentation

Limitations of Bluehost for Django

  • Additional Site Migration Cost to other platforms
  • Shared Hosting Plans don’t perform as well
  • Limited Global Server Availability
  • Not the best Customer Support Experience
  • Hidden charges like Domain Name Renewal
  • Vendor Lock-in & High Platform Dependency
  • No specialized support for Django

Bluehost Django Hosting Pricing Plans

Bluehost Pricing Model Average Pricing Ideal For
Basic $2.95/month One Site Solution
Plus $5.45/month Multiple Site Solution
Choice Plus $5.45/month Added Privacy and Security Protocols
Pro $13.95/month Better Speed and Computational Power

5. Platform.Sh for Django

Some of the best hosted Django projects use as their preferred Django web hosting managed service provider. It is a cloud hosting platform with support for multiple frameworks and languages including Django, Drupal, Magento and much more. They centre all their products and hosting services across four key features – observability, auto-scaling, multi-framework support and security.

Key Features of for Django

  • Ability to manage your Django project using command line and local
  • Highly customizable build-deploy configuration for handling dependencies
  • Environments on-demand to track performance
  • Git-based Workflow
  • Built in CI/CD
  • Various integrated services

Key Features of Platform

Benefits of for Django

  • Easy and streamlined deployment process with Git
  • Automatic scaling as per increased traffic
  • CI/CD features like staging production, automated testing & more
  • DevOps friendly features
  • Global Infrastructure

Limitations of for Django

  • Costlier compared to most Django CMS Hosting Platforms
  • Limited control over infrastructure configurations
  • Steeper learning curve
  • Limited choices in databases
  • Vendor Lock-in & High Platform Dependency
  • Not the best Global Geographical Coverage

Pricing Plans of Django Hosting Pricing Models Averaging Pricing Ideal For  
Essential €21.60/Month Solo, Startups with low traffic needs
Standard €52.80/Month SMEs with average traffic needs
Medium €132.00/Month Medium Sized apps with moderate to high traffic needs
Large €264.00/Month Large-scale apps that need dedicated resources and high traffic handling
X-Large €528.00/Month Enterprise grade Django apps like SaaS products
2X-Large €1,056.00/Month Complex Projects with large scale APIs

6. AWS Django Hosting (AWS Beanstalk)

Amazon Web Services is one of the best cloud hosting providers for enterprise grade apps. To your benefit, if you are looking for a cloud hosting provider for hosting Django, AWS works as an impressive, seamless, scalable and secure hosting platform for Django-based apps. You can configure your hosting requirement to match your exact app needs and it is an ideal choice for companies that work on multiple long-term projects.

Key Features of Amazon Web Services for Django

  • Auto-Scaling as per project requirements
  • Amazing global infrastructure
  • Load Balancing
  • Compliance Management

Key Features of Amazon Web Services for Django

Benefits of AWS Beanstalk Django Hosting

  • Dedicated scaling features like EC2 Auto Scaling & Elastic Load Balancing
  • Higher Flexibility in customizing AWS as per your Django hosting needs
  • Reliability and High Availability
  • Extreme security and authentication measures
  • Managed Services like RDS, CloudFront and RDS

Limitations of AWS Beanstalk Django Hosting

  • Steep learning curve and need for hiring professional Amazon Cloud Specialists
  • Highly complex operations and infrastructure management
  • Pricing plans are confusing to optimize
  • Vendor Lock-in & High Platform Dependency

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AWS Django Hosting Pricing Plans

AWS Hosting Pricing Plans are way too complicated to be fit into a table. It is entirely customizable and built-to-order. You can get a better estimate by reaching out to a reliable AWS cloud consulting company and telling them your exact project requirements.

7. MS Azure Django Hosting

Most people often ask us – ‘Can I deploy Django app on Azure?’ And our answer is –

When talking about Django web hosting, you cannot miss out on Microsoft Azure as a potential contender for being the best Django hosting service provider for you. This cloud-based platform comes with impressive features such as CDN, web apps, dedicated APIs and more. It also has a proper Django onboarding toolkit for hosting Django based websites with ease.

Key Features of Microsoft Azure Hosting for Django

  • Excellent monitoring and analytics tool suites
  • Comprehensive suite of Azure DevOps tools
  • Authentication features through Azure Active Directory
  • Automatic Backups and Scaling options

Key Features of Microsoft Azure Django

Benefits of Microsoft Azure Hosting for Django

  • Global Availability and Reliable Uptime
  • Security Standards and Compliance Management
  • Cost-Effective compared to other cloud hosting services
  • Developer-Friendly Tools
  • Integration with Microsoft Ecosystem
  • High Uptime and Availability

Limitations of Microsoft Azure Hosting for Django

  • Limited Django Specific Offerings
  • Complex ecosystem & Steep Learning Curve
  • Vendor Lock-in and High Platform Dependency
  • Smaller Community with Lesser Available Documentation

MS Azure Django Hosting Pricing Plans

MS Azure pricing plans are entirely customizable and hence it is not possible to give exact figures. However, for getting the most accurate estimates for hosting your Django app on Azure, you can get professional   Azure development consultation.

8. Google Cloud Platform for Django

Google Cloud is a robust, secure, scalable and full-stack cloud computing platform that can be used for hosting Django apps efficiently. Integrating GCP as your Django hosting provider allows you to create scalable, highly available and secure Django project.

Key Features of Google Cloud Platform for Django

  • Low Latency and High Availability
  • Global Availability and Reliable Uptime
  • Managed Databases compatible with Django
  • Monitoring & Logging Tools
  • Integration with other Google Services
  • Access to professional Google Developer Tools

Key Features of Cloud Platform for Django

Benefits of Google Cloud Platform for Django

  • Highly Scalable
  • Global Reach and Reliable Uptime
  • Managed Services Offerings
  • Monitoring & Diagnostics Tools
  • Cost Optimization Options
  • Proper Documentation and Support

Limitations of Google Cloud Platform for Django

  • Complex setup and navigation
  • Steep Learning Curve
  • Pricing Plan Selection Complexity
  • Poor Support for the Free and Initial Plans
  • Vendor Lock-in and High Platform Dependency

GCP Django Hosting Pricing Plans

Google Cloud Platform doesn’t disclose any pricing plans and encourages users to contact their sales team for further discussion. If you want to skip that hassle of choosing each and every service integration you want and get the best optimal pricing plan for you, you can leverage our Google Cloud Platform Services.

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Django Hosting Service Provider Selection: Key Considerations and Best Practices

Now that we’ve gained a comprehensive understanding of the diverse hosting platforms available for Django, along with their respective strengths and limitations, let’s delve into the strategic selection of the finest Django hosting service for your project. This decision-making process is crucial in optimizing performance, cost-effectiveness, reliability, and overall compatibility for your Django application.

Much like Python’s versatility extends to various domains, including Python GUI frameworks, your discerning choice in hosting has the potential to profoundly impact the success and efficiency of your Django venture.

Here are some helpful tips and recommendations from our expert Django consultants –

Django Hosting Service Provider Selection Key Considerations & Best Practices

Check for Compatibility with Django Platform

Now this can be confusing or misinterpreted so we would like to clarify it from the start. You should ensure that your hosting service provider is compatible to Django framework and supports its enhanced features. Don’t confuse this with dedicated Django hosting platforms because most hosting platforms support various frameworks and libraries.

Performance and Uptime

This is mandatory when choosing the best Django hosting platform for your project. The hosting platform should prioritize performance and maintaining decent uptime over anything else and have necessary precautions in place to deal with downtime or any performance bottlenecks.

Some helpful features to look for can be

  • SSDs- Solid State Drives
  • CDNs – Content Delivery Networks
  • Reliable Network Connectivity
  • Customer Reviews

Scalability and Resource Allocation

For any web app, software or project you should always keep scalability in mind and have a fair estimation of your anticipated traffic rise in short-term and long-term journey. Always evaluate a Django hosting platform for its scalability features and provisions as well as ease of upgrading or downgrading plans to match your current requirements.

Developer Friendly Environment

You can have the most advanced Django Hosting Platform but it would be of no use if developers on your team can’t figure out how to operate it.

You can look for how developer friendly a hosting service provider is by looking for features like:

  • SSH access
  • Version Control System Support

Proper Security Measures

Ensure your Django hosting has proper security measures in place to protect your project from exploitation, data breaches and other such issues.

You can look for how secure a hosting service provider is by looking for features like:

  • Firewalls
  • SSL certificates
  • Regular Backups
  • Proactive Monitoring

Cost and Budget Considerations

Based on your budget you should compare all pricing plans provided by various Django hosting platforms. Compare what all each platform is providing for the cost its charging and be mindful for any additional or hidden costs so you don’t regret it later.

Wrapping up!

With this, we are at the end of our list of best hosting services for Django. Django is a great platform for developing secure, robust, scalable and performance-oriented apps and these hosting platforms can help you leverage the full potential of this framework. We will keep updating this blog with additional hosting services and removing the ones that get deprecated to keep you updated at all times.

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    Saurabh Barot

    Saurabh Barot, the CTO at Aglowid IT Solutions, holds over a decade of experience in web, mobile, data engineering, Salesforce, and cloud computing. Renowned for his strategic vision and leadership, Saurabh excels in overseeing technology strategy, managing data infrastructure, and leading cross-functional teams to drive innovation. Starting with web and mobile application projects, his expertise extends to Big Data, ETL processes, CRM systems, and cloud infrastructure, making him a pivotal force in aligning technology initiatives with business goals and ensuring the company stays at the forefront of technological advancements.

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