Top Trending Apps 2024 | Sorted by Popular App Categories

Smartphone applications have received immense attention and appreciation in recent years. An average of 6140 apps are added daily on the Play Store, and 919 new apps are added on the iOS platform! Earlier, these marketplaces were mainly popular for one or two app categories like – Social Media apps and Game apps. This has changed tremendously, and now we have the most popular apps from various app categories like Instant Messaging apps, Entertainment apps and Food and Drink apps, to name a few.

Even with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, mobile apps continue to play a tremendous role in safeguarding most brick-and-mortar businesses and helping millions of people stay at home with access to all essential services and source of entertainment. Without further ado, let’s have a look at the top trending apps 2024.

Top Trending App Categories

Best Health and Fitness Apps 2024

Best Health and Fitness Apps

Earlier health and fitness topics were perceived as an industry. Only professional bodybuilders and weightlifters would bother with maintaining a healthy diet or gaining muscles. However, the focus and the perception of this industry has changed drastically. Health and fitness are now seen as a lifestyle choice that most individuals take seriously to be better mentally and physically. Maintaining your diet, workouts and finding time to meditate can be more challenging than it seems. To track your results and efforts for the same can be even more challenging. Many popular health and fitness apps have seen a recent spike in popularity. Here are some of the best health and fitness apps you can use to get your fitness game on!

health and fitness

1. MyFitnessPal:

Freemium | App Store 4.7 | Playstore 4.4

USP –You can set reminders to get notified about having your meals throughout the day, ensuring that you’re tracking your meals.

Counting your calories and maintaining a record of your food intake is extremely crucial for fitness. MyFitnessPal is considered one of the most popular food-tracking apps available on both iOS and Playstore. This food diary includes a ready-made easy to use database of millions of food items with their nutritional values, including restaurant meals. As a user, you can set your personal goals, and the app breaks down the number of calories you need to take each day and suggests how much water you should drink each day.

With this app, you can make the fat-to-fit or skinny-to-fit transition much easier. By tracking your nutrition and comparing it against your daily required nutrition, you better understand the food you’re eating.

2. HeadSpace:

Freemium | App Store 4.9 | Playstore 4.7

USP – HeadSpace partnered with Netflix to release a new series – Headspace Guide to Meditation that guides users through benefits of meditation and techniques using animation.

We all know that health is more than your diet and how much weights you lift at the gym. While your physical fitness is crucial in living a healthy life, equal if not more attention should also be given to your mental and spiritual health. There is proven research that shows meditation helps reduce stress and improve your overall happiness. The biggest challenge with meditation is – it tends to get boring!

HeadSpace claims to have a fun way of getting around meditation. As a user, you can choose mini guided meditation sessions that match your mood and your lifestyle. They have an impressively curated library with various programs that help you relax, relieve anxiety, and help you sleep. The sessions lengths can vary, but this popular app also has many programs that are not more than a few minutes for people who are always in a rush.

3. Fitplan:

Freemium | App Store 4.8 | Playstore 4.4

USP – Has workout plans for both – home workouts and gym workouts designed and curated by the world’s most professional bodybuilders and athletes.

Are you looking for working out with a personal trainer but don’t want to give such a heavy price for it? Enter Fitplan. This app allows you have to have the experience of having your personal coach for a fraction of costs involved with traditional gyms or gym trainers. This app has a user-friendly UI and a library of step-by-step training sessions that range from 20 – 90 mins in duration. All the coaches on these apps are professional trainers or athletes. As a user, you can choose from dozens of tailored designed programs by professionals like Ryan Lochte, A-Rod and more.

Best Social Media Apps 2024

best Social Media Apps

This is one of the most competitive categories that top a few top contenders that keep fighting for the top position to be the most trending social media app. Social media apps have taken over social media websites’ popularity, which is why most social media giants are now looking for being the top trending app on play store and app store. If you think you can guess the top social media apps based on previous year trends and know what we have in store for you, wait until you look at the most trending social media apps 2024.

4. Tiktok:

Freemium | App Store 4.7 | Playstore 4.4

USP – It has too many videos creating tools that help creators showcase their creativity in a better light.

Tiktok was the most downloaded app 2020, according to Appsfigures. As per BusinessofApps TikTok was installed 63 million times across all platforms in August alone. More and more people decided to go to their respective playstore/apple store during the lockdown and download the popular short-format video app to scroll and keep themselves entertained endlessly.  It became the top social media app for starting new trends or staying up-to-date with the latest trends.

5. LinkedIn:

Freemium | App Store 4.3 | Playstore 4.4

USP – Interactive tools for enhancing networking and engagement activities.

LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media apps for connecting with professionals around the globe. It has proven to be one of the most credible platforms to promote yourself or your business. By increasing your network connections, you can access opportunities you mostly would have no access to before. Businesses and top-level managers or CEOs can use this platform to establish their thought leadership in their niche. In contrast, individuals searching for a job can showcase their skills, knowledge, and capabilities to attract big businesses attention to secure a good job. More than 15 percent of job applications in the US shifted to remote employment during November 2020 due to the ongoing pandemic. This resulted in a 2.5 times increase for remote jobs on LinkedIn from March to October 2020.

6. Instagram:

Freemium | App Store 4.8 | Playstore 4.4

USP – They keep updating their platform with new features and trends that adds more tools for individuals and brands to promote their content in creative ways.

Instagram is undoubtedly the best social media application that has become a sensation. There are over 1 billion Instagram users monthly, of which around 500 million users make use of Instagram Stories daily. It is also one of the few apps with a very decent gender ratio with 51 percent female to 49 percent male. Instagram is also one of the most downloaded apps on the playstore and apple store combined. It is an ideal platform for creating your social media presence, be it for yourself or your brands. It is also multiple platforms for affiliate and influencer marketing. Instagram is considered a trendsetter app with all the new engagement features; it keeps rolling out like – IGTV, Reels, Boomerang, and more.

Popular Instant Messaging Apps

Popular Instant Messaging Apps

Chat apps have changed the way we interact with our friends, colleagues and also pretty much everyone else. They have helped to make ‘staying in touch’ much easier and convenient. And that is exactly what got most people through the hard times of 2020, with the global pandemic that restricted physical movements and social gatherings for months. There are hundreds of instant messaging apps on the play store. However, there are only a few of them that are worthy of your precious time and storage space on your device. Let’s run through them quickly.

Instant Messaging App

7. Telegram:

Free | App Store 4.3 | Playstore 4.5

USP – They are very thorough with their privacy and data safety policies that help them win their users’ trust and hence retain a loyal customer base.

Telegram is considered to be one of the most popular apps for secret texting. This company was very clever and composed of increasing its presence on the mobile app market. They steadily increased its user base. Their security standards and privacy driven policies have helped them get the edge over their competitors.  If you consider the implications and potential of this trending app from a business point of view, it allows brands to connect with users instantly. As a brand or a business, you can create a chatbot on Telegram or use their broadcast message to update your several subscribers all at once.

8. Houseparty:

Free | App Store 4.9 | Playstore 4.0

USP –A innovative video-calling based chat game app that proves as the next best thing to be physically together with friends and peers.

Houseparty is the prime example of providing the right solution at the right time. Many apps allow you to chat and link up with old friends and colleagues. How many of them will enable you to play interactive and competitive games with them? This is precisely what Houseparty delivers to its users. It is a video-chat app that allows you to play interactive quizzes and several other games while seeing your friends in real-time. This application was nothing less than a savior for most teenagers and young adults during the lockdown. Houseparty reported a staggering 50M sign-ups in March 2020 itself when the lockdown was at its peak. It was one of the most searched mobile app games for the longest time too.

9. Facebook Messenger:

Free | App Store 4.2 | Playstore 4.2

USP –Constant updates with features, and existing user database that ensures connectivity.

Facebook has been at the center of controversy for the past few years. Their attitude towards user data privacy policies has raised eyebrows by many users and critics, resulting in many users leaving the platform. However, despite this big reveal, Facebook Messenger maintains its popularity in being one of the top choices for instant messaging apps. They continuously push new features such as Facebook Messenger Rooms that introduced video chat support for upto 50 users. They also recently merged their Instagram and Messenger chatting services as an optional update to the users, enabling users to chat with their Instagram connections from the ease of one app. With the mini-games, GIF support and locating sharing, it is no wonder Messenger retains its position on the list despite being in a controversial position.

Popular Education Apps

Popular Education Apps

Education apps have seen a steady increase in demand over recent years. We live in a tech-savvy world, and most of these trendy mobile apps are ruling over the mundane education system. By combining tech and education, users get a powerful and contemporary source of learning. Our education perception and requirements are changing with time. As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 65 percent of children who will start school today will need skills for jobs that probably don’t even exist yet. Learning needs to be looked as a lifelong process, and there have to be constant new innovative ways of learning to keep it exciting and practical. Here are some of the most searched educational apps in 2024.

10. Duolingo:

Freemium | App Store 4.7 | Playstore 4.6

USP – A unique approach in learning languages with minimal dedication requirement.

One good skill to nurture that can be very beneficial and give you an edge over others is to know more foreign languages. However, this is always easier said than done. Learning a new language is no joke. However, Duolingo helps make the learning curve much easier. This app has over 30 languages to choose from that are designed as fun lessons in mino-games. Each lesson takes 5 minutes on average, which isn’t a big ask for learning a new language. This app is entirely free to use, but you can use additional in-app purchases to repair a learning streak or restore game-health if you want.

11. BlinkList:

Freemium | App Store 4.8 | Playstore 4.5

USP – Covers a whole range of topics and is updated on a monthly basis.

The name describes the nature of this education app well. If you like reading a book in just a couple of minutes, Blinklist app has an impressive library of such books that provide the best learning curves. It has books covering all genres such as non-fiction, tips, how-to and other exciting and applicable topics. It is considered to be one of the best applications for professionals to sharpen their skills. It is an ideal book summary application. You can either read to listen to audiobooks on this app, making it more accessible for people who are always on the move. They have an impressive list of 4000 books, and their team adds around 40 titles per month. If you want to read books to get the main takeaways they have to offer, BlinkList is an ideal app; however, if you enjoy experiencing each emotion involved with a book, it might not suit your taste.

12. Skillshare:

Freemium | App Store 4.8 | Playstore 4.5

USP – It has hundreds of high-quality classes for free, and you also get a trial period of 30 days.

This is one of the most trending apps in the world. It is a top education app that has been on the limelight for years now. It continues to maintain its position in the education sector. This is ideal for anyone who is looking to grow and build their career through online digital classes. There are many creative courses, as well as entrepreneurial tips. It is the app to boost your skills and build an impressive resume or even pick up a new side hobby.

Best Lifestyle Apps 2024

Best Lifestyle Apps

Lifestyle apps are designed to support different individual facets that make up your lifestyle. These apps help you get about your daily life and enhance your social life and make your everyday tasks easier and more fun. Here are the most searched lifestyle apps 2024:

13. IFTTT:

Freemium | App Store 4.7 | Playstore 3.7

USP – Provides a lot of customization option, especially for iOS, that isn’t very flexible when it comes to customization.

Mobile phones and apps always keep striving for improvising personalization and user experience. How many times have you wished to tell your mobile to do something very specific? For instance, telling your phone to send you an email every time you receive a new file on Dropbox or texting you the local weather forecast at a fixed hour in the morning? IFTTT allows you to carry out such detailed requests. IFTTT stands for If This, Then That. This app will enable you to set triggers for different events. This way, you can filter out the most important social media or app notifications that you want to hear, instead of going through each app one by one to check all your notifications. This app is also insanely easy to set up.

14. Fever:

Free | App Store 4.8 | Playstore 4.1

USP – They have a highly reactive 24/7 support and a unique personalized recommendation system.

Fever is one of the most trending lifestyle apps on the market. It is the go-to app for finding information about any events, restaurants, theatre shows or even movies. Fever is the one-stop solution for finding out all that is going around in your city or multiple cities and countries. It has impressive real-time functionalities that help you discover your favorite shows or exhibitions in no time.

15. Slice:

Free | App Store 4.6 | Playstore 4.0

USP – They have a tie-up with all major US shipping carriers – USPS, FedEx, DHL and more.

The excitement of ordering products online is unparalleled. And while tracking your order till it gets delivered can be exciting, it can also be challenging and annoying when you have multiple orders lined up from different stores. Slice is an application built by Rakuten that helps you search through your emails for any tracking codes or confirmations. It then populates the information on when you should expect your packages and their delivery process status. This is super helpful as you won’t have to type in long tracking numbers for tracking your orders anymore.

Best Entertainment Apps
Entertainment apps have always been a hot topic for mobile apps. Especially with most countries sheltering in throughout March, April, May and so forth for 2020, people have turned towards entertainment apps to watch movies and TV shows or listen to podcasts and music. Of all the kind of entertainment apps available on the market, two sub-categories boomed more than any else during the year of 2020. They are – Streaming Video Apps and Music Apps.

Popular Video Streaming Apps

Popular Video Streaming Apps

16. Netflix:

Freemium | App Store 3.8 | Playstore 4.4

USP –  High quality and standards of their in-house production content and hosted content.

Netflix is one of the most extensive libraries of TV shows and movies. They also have their critically acclaimed original titles. This helps them be one of the top video streaming apps till date irrespective of its high cost. Their app has excellent usability features, allowing offline downloads, featuring 4k content and more. Many new entrants in the market have par quality standards that Netflix claims to have, but at more reasonable prices. However, it has still maintained to hold that value of authenticity and premium feel that attracts many customers.  Any TV shows available on their platform are mostly always season-complete, which many of their competitors fail to implement. One of the most significant holds Netflix has over most other streaming services is their list of anime. Again that can be a very subjective and a specific market, but it does give them an edge.

17. HBO Max:

Freemium | App Store 2.9 | Playstore 3.5

USP – An extensive list of HBO rich content.

The best way to introduce HBO max is – it has everything that HBO has. Reelgood is a service that helps users to keep track of where movies are playing on what streaming platforms. They found out that HBO Max’s share of the streaming service platforms has continued to increase since its inception in 2020. In contrast, Netflix’s share has continued to shrink. Reelgood has a bank of 2 million users, so their analysis does hold considerable weight in the market. What makes HBO Max exciting for users is that WarnerMedia decided to release its entire 2021 theatrical content on this streaming service. WonderWoman 1984 singlehandedly helped double the number of activated subscriptions on HBO Max in Q4 of 2020 compared to Q3. WarnerMedia also claimed that nearly half of its HBO max subscribers watched Wonder Woman 1984 on the release date.

18. Disney Plus:

Freemium | App Store 4.6 | Playstore 4.0

USP – Impressive list of popular shows and movies from various media houses owned by Disney.

Disney is one of the largest media houses. They own many big studio names or have strategic partnerships with Marvel, Pixar, Star Wars, etc. They own ‘The Simpsons – all 30 seasons and counting. It is one of the most affordable streaming services compared to all top players in this niche. They provide 4k resolution with HDR color palates, so the viewing experience is awe-inspiring. They also have a massive potential to bind in more views and subscribers – thanks to Marvel releasing their OTT shows like WandaVision, Loki and more on this platform.

Best Music Streaming Apps

Best Music Streaming Apps

19. Spotify:

Freemium | App Store 4.8 | Playstore 4.5

USP– Ease of accessibility and AI-driven curated playlists.

Yes, Spotify takes the lead in being the most favorite music apps in 2021.  They are also the pioneer of music-streaming space. It has many curated music discovery services like Discover Weekly playlist, Daily Mix playlists, and an innumerable list of podcasts and stations. Spotify has a very user-friendly interface and an impressive catalog. Where Spotify gets the edge over Apple Music is computability. Spotify can easily run with smooth experience on a low budget or mid-budget smartphones as well. Another impressive feature is to use Spotify without paying a dime. You can connect your free Spotify app to many devices without needing to provide any credit card information. However, the advertisements on the free app can be intrusive and annoying for some people.

20. Apple Music:

Freemium | App Store N/A | Playstore 3.7

USP –  Native music player of one of the biggest tech company.

Apple Music is one of the top contenders for best music apps in 2021. This platform lets you stream over 60 million songs from various genres. Apple Music released its mobile app on the playstore platform on June 30, 2015. This shows how competitive the market is because Apple generally likes creating a closed ecosystem with no entrants from other services. Apple Music was their first application; they decided to launch outside their ecosystem.  Apple Music has the biggest edge in the offline music niche as it has straightforward navigation and appealing interface. However, Apple Music is not as smooth on lower-range Android devices, making it a universal music app solution.

21. SoundCloud:

Freemium | App Store 4.5 | Playstore 4.5

USP – Ease of uploading your songs helps many artists do a sample demo launch of their album or get feedback on their music.

SoundCloud is one of the underrated yet popular music apps that is trending for most popular music app 2021. You can stream, download and share songs from their collection. Music creators can also upload their songs to SoundCloud and share it with their peers and network on any social media. The trending app also has a premium upgrade subscription that removes ads and allows you to download songs offline.

22. Shazam:

Free | App Store 4.9 | Playstore 4.4

USP – Access to real-time lyrics to whatever song you’re listening to.

Shazam was one of the pioneer music-identifying application. It allows the users to play music and press a button to identify a song with its name, artist name, and lyrics whenever you’re listening to a song and can’t identify it. It requires an internet connection to work. The UI of this popular app is highly refreshing and premium. It works on both iOS and playstore. It is safe to say that it is also one of the best lyrics app 2021.

Popular Utility & Productivity Tools Apps

Popular Utility Productivity Tools Apps

With each new year, we all make new resolutions and promises of getting more work done. However, with the circus of life and daily up and down, it can be difficult to keep a clear vision of these promises. As developed and capable our brains are, it can get exhausted and overwhelmed quickly trying to remember all essential tasks and being alert about their due dates or deadlines. Luckily our smartphones have evolved over the years to take this big hassle out of hands. Productivity and utility apps help you be more responsible, efficient and productive. Here are some of the trending utility and productivity tools apps that deserve space on your phone’s screen.


Freemium | App Store 4.6 | Playstore 4.3

USP – Voice Entry System allows you to add tasks by narrating them.

It is natural for people to forget their daily tasks and chores. However, it is not always convenient to do so. understand this problem and help you stay on your schedule with a to-do list, notes, reminders and the option of sharing your list and assigning tasks to others. You can also sync your account between phone, desktop, web or any device. They have a convenient voice-entry system that helps you add tasks just by narrating it. More useful features such as calendar integration skyrocket the potential of list management. They have it all figured out; all you need to do is download the app and get started.


Freemium | App Store 4.4 | Playstore 4.3

USP – It works with FaceID for Apple users.

The most annoying and time hindering problem is trying to remember a password. Also, forgetting passwords can be troublesome if they are of some delicate documents or important accounts that you can be held accountable for. Hence having a secure app for storing all your passwords is an essential utility tool you must have. 1Password helps you save more than just passwords. You can save your log in to websites, bank account details, credit card info, license, passports and other documents as well. 1Password makes use of end-to-end encryption, and the encryption key stays on your phone. Only you have access to the encryption key. They offer a 30-day free trial as well.

25. Cloze:

Freemium | App Store 4.6 | Playstore 4.1

USP – Ability to identify ‘Key People’.

Cloze is one of the top utility and productivity app for keeping track of your business and professional contacts. This app is an all-in-one solution that stores social media connects, contacts and email command center. It syncs details about your connection from your email, social media networks and contacts. You can handle all your social media activities from this one-stop command center. It uses your interactions and messages to spot your ‘key people’ and shows you more content related to them on priority.

Best Business Apps

Best Business Apps

Mobile apps have an essential role to play in the professional world too. There are many apps and platforms designed to help everyday businesses to manage workstreams, staying on top of credit payments and cash flow, time tracking and communicating with the team. These business apps help you stay connected with your clients, colleagues and the business scenario with ease. Here are the most popular business apps in 2024:

26. Slack:

Freemium | App Store 4.0 | Playstore 4.3

USP – It has many slack bots that help improve productivity and introduce a little fun in the workspace culture.

Slack is one of the most searched apps for professional instant messaging. It is built with the ideology of increasing productivity and team orientated communication. This app draws a fine balance between corporate communication and casual approach, making the overall work environment feel a lot friendlier and welcoming. It covers all of your IM basic requirements with real-time message syncing across various devices. You can also share important documents, participate in private chat and group chats as well. Searching through old messages on slack is also very straightforward and efficient. It also has capabilities of linking with other popular business tools like Asana and Trello.  It is one of the most-used business apps in the market.

27. Zoom:

Freemium | App Store 4.5 | Playstore 3.8

USP – It provides a full-stack collaborative video calling solutions.

Zoom is one of the most popular video conferencing apps that is targeted towards business usage. This business app went viral and gained recognition from masses during the 2020 pandemic. Important COVID related discussions and peer-to-peer communication were all happening via Zoom. It wasn’t an easy market to crack, with giants like Skype and Google already enjoying a shared monopoly over the video conferencing niche. 2020 was a magical year for Zoom as the CEO – Yuan mentions in a blog that during December 2019 their platform was hosting 10 million daily meeting participants who increased to 200 million daily meeting participants in March 2020.

28. GoodBudget:

Freemium | App Store 4.7 | Playstore 4.4

USP –  Digital ‘envelope’ model works as an online piggybank.

This is one of the best budgeting services that can help you manage all your finances by logging and allocating them with ease. Initial sign-in only requires you to add your mail id and password for signing up. Your accounts syncs between the website and the app, which helps to manage your budget on the go or from the comfort of your home as well. They take a modern approach to the old envelope tactic. You divide and distribute your money in digital envelopes/ categories as per your wants or needs. For instance, $100 goes for eating 120 dollars for shopping and so forth. The app has a simple and appealing design that makes it more comfortable for users to track their expenses.

Popular On-Demand Apps

Popular On-Demand Apps

On-Demand Apps have become the freshest trend on the apple store and play store. They are one of the most searched apps on mobile platforms. On-demand apps have revolutionized the service sectors, giving people access to fast and easy solutions and access to products and services. Nothing is now limited, luxurious or out of reach. You can order food from the comfort of your sofa, and you can book a ride without having to look and wait for an empty one to cross you by. These are the best ‘on-demand apps’ 2024 that you should look out for.

29. Uber:

Free | App Store 4.7 | Playstore 4.5

USP – Consistency in being affordable and most reliable taxi-booking platform across the globe.

Uber is one of the most preferred cab service apps in the world. More than 103 million active users in 400 cities across 70 countries use their cab services. This technology-based platform bridges drivers and riders. Uber is the ideal solution for today’s fast-paced lifestyle where people are constantly on the run. They continue to be one of the most popular on-demand apps since their prices are really economical, and cabs’ availability is also reliable.

30. TaskRabbit:

Freem | App Store 4.8 | Playstore 3.9

USP – Wide variety of service providers with a good range in rates which helps the users have more options.

TaskRabbit is a platform that provides users with the ability to research, review and hire local service providers. They have a wide range of services like yard work, assembling furniture, cleaning assistance and more. These individual contractors are known as ‘Taskers’ on the platform. They generally get the job done with ease and efficiency; however, one noteworthy thing about TaskRabbit is that they don’t offer licensed professional services. The flexibility of hiring contractors for a one-time task, fixed time tasks or recurring tasks makes it a good marketplace for any requirements you might have.

31. Rinse:

Free | App Store 4.5 | Playstore 4.7

USP – All seven days availability.

We all can do our laundry, but honestly doing laundry can be one daunting task, especially if you are constantly on the go. It takes a lot of time, and it can be a pain at times. Rinse aims to solve this problem by being one of the top on-demand apps for laundry needs. You can schedule your laundry with a few clicks. They are available all seven days. You need to pick a time and date for them to pick up your clothes and you can also add your personal cleaning preferences to ensure you get your clothes back clean and in the exact manner that you like them.

Best Food & Drink Apps

Best Food & Drink Apps

Food & Drink Apps are important for survival these days. Today’s lifestyle allows very less time for us to prepare proper meals and enjoy food. Cooking isn’t for everyone, and surviving on ready-to-eat food daily is not healthy. This is why we need a list of the most popular food and drink apps that can help us keep our hygiene and taste buds alive and kicking. These are the popular food & drink apps 2024:

32. Instacart:

Free | App Store 4.8 | Playstore 4.3

USP– Same day, within hours delivery.

Instacart is one of the leading grocery apps that provides grocery delivery and pick up service in Canada and the United States. As a user, you just need to download their app from the apple store or playstore depending on your device. Register with them and shop for items that you want. Then someone from their team would do all the shopping, and within hours your groceries will be delivered at your doorstep. This is a new approach to online grocery delivery as it is quick and saves a lot of time and efforts from your end.  Instacart became the most trending app on playstore during the initial months of lockdown. In the first half of March 2020, Instacart witnessed 200 percent growth in app downloads compared to February-Mid March. The apprehension of consumers to visit grocery stores helped more people to rely on Instacart for their requirements.

33. Drizzly:

Free | App Store 4.9 | Playstore 4.6

USP – Pre-composed options that make ordering easier.

Drizzly is the best on-demand app for ordering booze. It is ideal if you want some cold beers and pizza or want booze for a big party order. They have a pre-composed set of drinks for different items and occasions that you can order instantly saving you time and efforts to decide each item individually. The company managed to raise $85M in venture funding during 2020. They sell in 100 cities of North America.

34. UberEats:

Freemium | App Store 4.7 | Playstore 4.4

USP – Quality of service and consistency of performance.

UberEats is functional in more than 20 countries. It is one of the most popular food and drinks app. You can search for your favorite restaurants by their names or even search for particular food items you are looking to order. After placing the order, you can track it real-time. Their support team is very responsive and would refund you for any inconvenience caused by their side or delivery guy. They have a premium version called Uber Eat Pass that comes for $9.99 per month but gives you benefits of free delivery and 5% off on orders more than $15.

Best Ecommerce Apps

Best Ecommerce Apps

Shopping using mobile devices has increased rapidly over the last few years. As per Statista, US mobile revenues were expected to come at $339.03 billion. This figure was at $207.15 billion in 2018. Ecommerce websites were already famous and continue to be frequented, usually by many people. However, people are gradually getting more comfortable ordering products online using their smartphones because of the ease of transaction, and various discounts have made it all the more appealing. Here are some of the top Ecommerce platforms you should use in 2024:

35. Amazon:

Freemium | App Store 4.6 | Playstore 4.1

USP – The largest platform with the range of the most diverse product.

Amazon is a giant when it comes to Ecommerce space, and it continues to hold its position at top exiting 2022 and entering 2023. As per Statista, more than 150.6 million mobile users were accessing Amazon app in September 2019. Amazon has set the standard of quality and delivery that other Ecommerce apps to date have a hard time matching, let alone surpassing. They also have prime membership that provides absolute value for money. You get your deliveries two days faster, and even access to their music and video streaming services that opens a whole another world of services and entertainment. Most popular categories that people spend the most time on Amazon for are – Home, Kitchen Goods, Electronics and Apparel.

36. Walmart:

Free | App Store 4.7 | Playstore 3.8

USP –  Voice-search feature for adding products to the shopping list

Walmart is another giant in Ecommerce niche that has an excellent mobile app. Customers can easily filter and look for products with access to local inventory as well. The mobile application has the feature of scanning QR codes, voice-search for adding products to your shopping list and real-time calculations.

37. eBay:

Free | App Store 4.7 | Playstore 4.7

USP– one of the oldest and largest ecommerce platform.

eBay is one of the first multinational Ecommerce platforms that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business sales through their website. The app is well-designed to make the process of creating and editing and monitoring your listings easier. You get access to one of the biggest marketplace for buying and selling pre-used items for reasonable prices.

Top Media Editing Apps

Top Media Editing Apps

Mobile videography and photography is no longer just a source of entertainment and a fun way of capturing your personal moments. With the advancements in software and hardware technologies, smartphone cameras are more than capable of creating professional standard photos, videos, movies and other content formats. There are also many native iOS and Android apps designed to shoot, edit and share photos and videos from the ease of your mobile device. Some of these trending apps have capabilities that can match a professional desktop media editing program’s skills.

Video Editing App

Design Inspiration of Video Editing App

38. iMovie:

Freemium | App Store 4.0 | Playstore N/A

USP –Syncs well with other Apple devices, creating an ideal ecosystem.

iMovie is one of the best video editing software and the native video editing application pre-installed on mac laptops and pc. They also have extended their services on the app store for your mobile platform. With just a few steps, you can create a professional-looking presentation. The latest version of the iMovie app looks amazing on super retina display of iPhone X, 11 and 12. There are dozens of templates, soundtracks and effects pre-stored in this app. You can also import your content from any external drives.

39. Snapseed:

Free | App Store 3.9 | Playstore 4.5

USP – You can open RAW and JPG files too.

Snapseed is a photo editing software provided by Google. This mobile application has power-packed features that can give desktop apps a run for their money. Moreover, Snapseed is free to use. There are many built-in useful presets in Snapseed. You can edit these presets as per your likings or even edit the photographs entirely from scratch if you wish to. There are all the basic tools like crop, frames, straightening, vignette and text too. The sharpening feature is useful too if you want to add details to the image without making it look grainy.

40. CyberLink PowerDirector:

Freemium | App Store 4.6 | Playstore 4.5

USP – Support for Cyberlink’s Cloud Storage.

CyberLink Power Director is one of the most popular mobile apps for multimedia editing. Their app complements its desktop app well and provides all impressive and necessary tools for creating professional-grade videos. The workflow is exceptionally smooth if you keep in mind how many features it has to provide. The timeline interface is similar to most video editing apps which helps users get familiar with the app. You can add special effects, voiceovers, music and more.

Best News Apps

Best News Apps

News apps have gained importance more than ever. There are many historical, economic and contemporary changes happening around the world that impact everyone’s lives. We all know this, but honestly, how many of us would even consider buying a daily newspaper anymore? There are more accessible, credible and trustworthy resources to get your daily dose of news. No, not social media. There are specific news apps that help you stay informed, go through essential highlights and know real-time data about crucial topics. Here are the popular news apps for you to download:

News And Magazine

41. Ground News:

Freemium | App Store 4.4 | Playstore 4.1

USP – The ‘Blindspot’ Feature shows new stories that are the most unbalanced stories of the week.

Most mobile news app tries to cater to an individual’s preference. If person A downloads a news app, that news app would ask person A what kind of news they’re interested in. Based on the inputs, such apps would curate the most happening and essential information in those niche for him/her. Ground News doesn’t believe in that ideology. They want you to see as many sides as possible. They would also source the same news from different publications to read all and get a more holistic outlook on the matter, instead of creating a bias based on one reporting article.

42. PressReader:

Freemium | App Store 4.7 | Playstore 4.4

USP – Flexible payment options.

PressReader is an efficient news aggregator with feeds of thousands of magazines and newspapers from around the world. This is mostly a freemium service, but to access all stories, you need to pay PressReader. Some stories are accessible for free too, however. Their charges can be steep and too expensive for most people, but their content is worth every penny.

43. Microsoft News:

Free | App Store 4.5 | Playstore 4.4

USP – An impressive library of credible sources.

Microsoft News is an easy-to-use and lightweight app to quickly access the news that you need. When you open the app, it asks you for topics you’re interested in. You can make changes to this anytime you want later on as well. Their main windows would show the news the app thinks are most relevant for you, but you can also scroll between topics on the top or switch to local news near you. Being an app that keeps up with modern design concepts, you also can toggle between light and dark mode.

Popular Game Apps

Popular Game Apps

Gaming is one of the most significant contributing factors to the popularity of smartphones and their potential. When shopping for a phone, most buyers look for good cameras, battery life, and processor power. The mobile gaming industry is so big that there are literal professional tournaments for some of the best mobile game apps available. Every year new entrants try to take on the most popular mobile games to win their position. Here are some of the top mobile game apps you should look out for in 2024:

44. Call of Duty:

Freemium | App Store 4.8 | Playstore 4.5

USP – New multiplayer modes and consistency in new feature updates.

Call of Duty is undisputedly one of the top trending first-person shooter mobile app game in the world. The mobile app was highly anticipated as the Call of Duty provides excellence across all platforms like PlayStation, Xbox and other gaming consoles. To have access to one of the most popular shooting games in comfort on your phones is genuinely amazing. The gameplay is fantastic, and the graphics set the bar too high. They have realistic graphics, impressive features and significant tweaks to different shooting modes. You can customize the skin of your weapons, customize your loadouts and even purchase special powerups.

45. Asphalt 9 Legends:

Freemium | App Store 4.7 | Playstore 4.4

USP – Their ultimate racing control that makes car handling super easy.

Asphalt is one of the best racing mobile gaming apps. The graphics are beyond amazing to a point where it amazes you that smartphones have advanced so much in pictures. The actual driving experience can be a letdown for many as it doesn’t attempt to mimic real driving. But they aren’t even trying to be the most realistic car racing game. They are looking for big moments, smooth controls and unparalleled source of entertainment. The car collection, maps and feature of challenging opponents make it a wholesome car racing app.

Best Travel Apps:

Best Travel Apps

Travel apps are cluttered on both Android and Apple platforms. This is problematic because most of the nice-looking apps are terrible and inefficient. Travel should help you plan your trips better and make the process convenient. If you choose inefficient apps, it would not only ruin your travelling mood, and it could also mess it up. Here are some of the best and most reliable travel apps that you can use:

46. Citymapper:

Freemium | App Store 4.6 | Playstore 4.8

USP – One stop solution for all public transport information.

Citymapper is an efficient app that helps travellers find the fastest route to their destination. It has an in-depth guide that shows the nearest bus and train stations as well. You get access to all public transport arrival times in real-time, and you also have a chat feature that helps you update any friends or family where you are at all times.

47. PackPoint:

Freemium | App Store 4.7 | Playstore 4.7

USP – An innovative thought that is an efficient service.

PackPoint is such an app that you didn’t think you needed, but it helps with the most tedious part of any travel – packing. All you need to do is enter your destination, travel dates and duration of the stay and all the activities you have your itinerary. Based on these features, the app would give you exact recommendations of what all you’ll need to carry on your trip. It also shows you weather conditions and allows you to share your list with other travellers.

48. Waze:

Free | App Store 4.9 | Playstore 4.4

USP – You can send quick ETAs via mail and text.

Waze is ideal for millennials for navigating their way when travelling. You can set up manual reminders to ‘leave the house’ and integrate this app with your Facebook and Google Calendar. You can send ETA via mail or text to your friends in case you’re running late or need to inform someone when you’ll be arriving. If you want to avoid speeding tickets, you can turn on the app’s speedometer feature. It will trigger an alarm if you go over the speed limit of any particular route you’re on.

49. Airbnb:

Free | App Store 4.8 | Playstore 4.6

USP – A unique approach to travelling and staying while on a vacation.

Airbnb is an established player that still holds its ground as a top travel app. You can book the perfect stay and getaway for experiences new places. They have millions of listings in most popular travel destination countries. You can book a treehouse over a weekend and also a whole house for your family to work, live and relax. There are many search filters, too that make the experience seamless. It is an ideal app if you want to look for properties to stay in on your vacation or rent out your property for vacationers and earn money out of it.

Bottom line
These are the top trending apps 2024 across all popular app categories. One common underlying similarity in all of these most popular apps is – they solve a problem innovatively. Many apps are created in response to an existing problem in our day-to-day lives. In contrast, some apps are made with an entrepreneur mindset to foresee an invisible problem that people could use a solution for. Having such a vision allows you to enjoy ‘first-to-market’ benefit. In all cases, apps should be built, keeping in mind what the consumer would want and not what you want to sell.

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    As the CEO of Aglowid IT Solutions, Ronak lead a team focused on strategic IT consulting, digital transformation, data science, AI, ML, and advanced analytics. He help businesses navigate technological landscapes, streamline operations, and achieve their goals through innovative solutions.

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