Top Things to Learn While Developing your Angular App

Today the app market is much competitive and so simply coming up with a unique app idea is not enough to achieve your goal. It is now not easier to have an app idea and stand out in the crowd just like that. Moreover, the investment needed in this area is big too compared to what your decided budget and time is.

This clearly means that if you jump into Angular app development without proper planning, you will end up damaging the brand and get frustrated. However, it will become possible for you to turn your development process simpler when you will bring together the different building blocks. Again, such a step will offer you a competitive edge in the market. Now, this can take up some of your efforts but in the end, it is worth your efforts.

So without wasting any more time, let’s get started.

Carry out in-depth Market Research

The first and the foremost step towards active Angular app development is to carry out thorough market research. First of all, you need to know what are the current offering on the market and then based on what you learn from there you can fill the gap in your app. This will help you to come up with a completely new and optimized solution which addresses the issue properly.

Some of the things which you can know through extensive market research are:

  • What should be your app strategy?
  • What is the unique selling point of the app?
  • Who your competitors are?
  • What are the weaknesses and strengths?
  • What are the reviews on social media pointing too?
Market Research

Getting answers to these questions will help you know the mistakes made by your competitors and thus avoid them completely. You can also identify which of the strategies will work for you and so double them up. You should also properly define the unique solution that you plan to develop for the problem and define the path for resolving it.

In the digital world, millions of apps are present and so you need this opportunity which can help you find a unique place for yourself in the app market.

Concept Proofing

Concept proofing is all about learning whether the software idea that you have come up with can be built in the real world scenario. It will let you know what kind of technologies you should be using in the app development and whether there are any chances for the application to be adopted by the target audience.

When we come up with a unique idea, we are almost convinced that it will work, but the surety of its success comes up when you test the idea by creating a proof of concept. The proof of concept will help you come up with the best version of your app all the while saving your money and time in the process.

Again, through proof of concept, you will be able to present your idea to the stakeholders and convince them that the idea is worth investing. It will help you take the shortest path towards app success even when you are building it from scratch.

The steps for successful PoC development for your app are:

  • Prove the need
  • Find a solution for pain points and get feedback
  • Build a prototype and test it
  • Come up with MVP
  • Strategize a roadmap to reach your end goal.
Concept Proofing

Application Structure & Best Practices

When it comes to an Angular app project, its structure is one of the main aspects to be considered. A number of times the development team must have started the coding of the application straight away without thinking about its design structure. No doubt such a thing may work for some of the applications, but for the others, it will not seem to be good. Things may collapse because you failed to keep everything in your mind before starting with coding. When you are building an Angular app, you need to be sure that you are building a maintainable app.

Angular best practices

Some of the best practices that you need to follow to have the best Angular application are:

  • Make use of Angular CLI
  • Make use of shared, core and feature modules to develop modular fashion Angular apps.
  • Feature module with lazy loading
  • Proper use of a dummy and smart components
  • Proper use of dependency injection
  • For import creating aliases

Organizing the Features

This is the best part of your Angular app development as you get to imagine the perfect version for your app idea. No doubt your app idea will change and evolve with time based on the user feedback that you will receive but, at the early stage, you will have no limits for your imagination. At this stage, you can also think about how you are planning to make money out of your app.

This most important part of the project is called as business requirements gathering. The team keeps on gathering maximum information as they basically have no idea about what clients want?

Angular Feature

During this phase, it is best that you sit with your stakeholders and collect every single detail and properly document it. In case some changes pop up at the later stage then it can be checked using the document.

It is not necessary to push your limits at this stage but, the more you spend on building up your app idea, you will have to face fewer amounts of wastage in terms of efforts and work while making changes at the execution stage.

On the basis of the list of features you write down, you can prioritize them and organize. You can also organize the child features and modules within the app to make the access easy. You can plan to come up with an MVP featuring all the basic features and move ahead with updates based on user feedback.

Dealing with the Team

It is important that all the people involved with the Angular app development needs to work in sync to make the app a great success. There needs to have transparent communication and excellent collaboration within the team. For the success of the app project, you need to have an excellent team developed and maintained under a project manager. The project manager will be responsible for completing each and every module of the app on time with quality as well as, offer a regular update to you and other stakeholders.

The Angular app development team should consist of:

  • The project manager or the visionary, who has in-depth technical knowledge and experience of the industry in question.
  • The designers, responsible to develops the look and feel of the app. They will create wireframes and basic navigation of the app. When we say the team of designers, they include strategist, visual designer, navigation planner, and content planner.
  • The developers are responsible for completing the application through coding once the UI/UX is done.
  • QA specialists are the people who test the end product. They are the ones who will decide whether the app is ready to hit the market or not.
  • Sales and marketing specialists will be responsible to market the end product and result in sales. They will be responsible for branding and letting everyone know about your product.

Hire Angular Developer

Integrating Front-end & Database

Angular is used for front-end development in most of the cases to build the client-side application. This means this application will get rendered on the browser of the client’s machine. It gets connected with the database in terms of HTTP request where Angular sends the request to the server in form of an API call and then the server-side application will take the request to the database, interact with it and revert back the response to the application.

However, in some certain case such as when you require create dynamic application, then you need backend database. In such condition, you can use Node.js and MongoDB as backend server. These two backend technologies are important as they are based on JavaScript.

Embracing the Community

A few years back, it was not at all a necessity to be a part of the community. Say, for example, the enterprise developers who were working on the Microsoft project can easily get their task done simply by reading some technical books and then practicing their knowledge. Now with Angular, the developers end up spending more time on Google search. Now developers must be trained to read blog posts, scan codebases, look for bugs on GitHub, listen to podcasts and engage with other developers on StackOverflow and Github. Today a lot has changed in terms of software development and so it is time we make changes in the learning practices too.


Testing the Expertise in Typescript and RxJs

In the case of Angular, there is a testing library which you can make use of for writing BDD format based unit tests. You can write end-to-end tests for the application by making use of the Protractor framework. So when you will load a simple application and monitor the network, you will see that the downloads of the browser are more than 5MB and here more than half of it is used by Typescript compiler with System JS. Now the size of the app gets reduced to around 160K after running optimization scripts and deployment.

RxJs or called as Reactive Extensions for JavaScript, can be used to work with asynchronous data streams. With Angular, RxJs works well, but here you can make use of a dedicated library named rx.angular.js for AngularJS and RxJs interoperability, instead of writing your own helper functions.

Importance of Performance and security

For any app, performance and security play a key role. The app needs to perform better across all the major devices and stay responsive. Whether it is about the loading speed or navigation, the app needs to excel in these areas to capture user attention.

You should also think about having in the privacy policy in the app in case it deals with sensitive information of the app users. Large volumes of different data get collected from the users and so this privacy policy should work towards ensuring what kind of information is collected and from that how much is used in what manner.

Performance and Security

It would be better you apply such a policy at the earliest as it will offer enough time which can be used for legal consulting. You will also get to implement proper safety measures in the app with appropriate planning. For angular app security, it is important that you implement such measures at the early stage of development. For any business, user’s information and data are very valuable and so you should be working towards having a proper process in place for collecting, storing and handling data.

Wrapping it up

The demand for Angular development has increased over the last few years. So as a business if you wish to excel in Angular development, then it is time you follow the best practices and the tips, which can help you gain from your Angular app in the best possible manner.

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    As the CEO of Aglowid IT Solutions, Ronak lead a team focused on strategic IT consulting, digital transformation, data science, AI, ML, and advanced analytics. He help businesses navigate technological landscapes, streamline operations, and achieve their goals through innovative solutions.

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