Quick Summary:
React Animation Libraries provides declarative ways to create animations in React apps. They abstract away complex CSS and JavaScript to make animations easier with React components, hooks, and simple APIs.
Animations are a crucial part of modern web development. They allow us to create sleek, interactive user interfaces that delight and engage users. In React apps specifically, animation libraries open new possibilities for dynamic components, visual feedback, and overall UX design.
Animations are crucial to modern web and mobile applications, providing an engaging user experience and smooth transitions between interface states. In React apps, developers have leveraged animation libraries to implement complex animations more easily without diving into intricate CSS or JavaScript code. React animation libraries provide declarative APIs, hooks, and components to animate React elements with spring physics, animated SVG paths, timeline animations, dynamic gesture interactions and more.
With various React animation libraries available, animating in React is simpler and more intuitive. We will look at the capabilities of these popular React animation libraries and how they can help create beautiful, performant animated user interfaces with less effort.
Whether animated page transitions, micro-interactions, scroll-based animations, or more advanced gestures, these React animation libraries provide the tools to elevate UI animations in React apps. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore some of the most popular and full-featured animated libraries for React. For each Library, we’ll look at the following this:
- Description
- Features
- Installation
- Usage
With React JS, you have a galaxy of libraries to create exquisite animations that give life to your web applications. Let’s explore these libraries and enhance your React toolbox.
Key Metrics to look for while selecting React Animation Libraries
Several key factors should be considered to ensure it fits you when searching for a React animation Library.
Ease of use
The ease of use of the animation library is an important factor to consider. The APIs and abstractions should be simple enough to allow getting started quickly.
The performance of the animation library matters. It should leverage optimizations and techniques for smooth animations and efficient handling. React performance optimization tips can further enhance the overall efficiency of animations in your web projects.
The capabilities of the animation library should fit your needs. It should support required animation types like physics, SVGs, gestures, etc.
Payload size
The payload size of the Library can impact app bloat. A smaller library size is generally better.
The quality of documentation and learning resources aids in using the Library effectively. Extensive docs and resources should be available.
Active development
Opting for an animation library with active development helps ensure longevity and additional features over time.
Community support
An active user community provides the animation library’s help, resources, and guidance.
Animation complexity
Consider the complexity of animations needed to determine if a simple or advanced library is required.
Look for flexibility and control so animations can be deeply customized based on your needs.
React Animation Libraries
With animations being integral to modern web and mobile apps, React developers leverage animation libraries to implement complex and natural animations more easily. Let’s look at some of the popular React animation libraries available.
Top React Animation Libraries
React Spring
Git Stats- Star: 26.5K | Fork: 1.2K | License: MIT
NPM Stats– Weekly Download: 785,228 | Version: 9.7.3
Install: npm i react-spring
The first one on the list of React animation libraries is React Spring. It is an animation library that utilizes the power of spring physics to create smooth and realistic animations. It provides a simple, intuitive API, allowing developers to create complex animations easily.
Key features of React Spring include:
- Physics-based animations.
- Realistic motion behaviours.
- Customizable spring configurations.
- Smooth and natural-looking animations.
- Easy integration into Android apps.
import { useSpring, animated } from 'react-spring'
function App() {
const fade = useSpring({
from: { opacity: 0 },
to: { opacity: 1 },
return (
<animated.div style={fade}>
<animated.h1 style={fade}>Fade In!</animated.h1>
export default App
React Spring makes hook-based spring animations simple in React without managing animation frames.
Framer Motion
Git Stats- Star: 20.3K | Fork: 659 | License: MIT
NPM Stats– Weekly Download: 2,183,557 | Version: 10.16.4
Install: npm i framer-motion
Next on the list of React Animation libraries is Framer Motion. It is a popular animation library for React that provides an easy & declarative way to add animations and gestures to your web applications. It’s widely used in the React community for developing smooth & engaging animations.
Key Features of Framer Motion
- Declarative Syntax
- Variety of Animation
- Animation Variants
- Easing & Spring Physics
- Seamless Integration
- SVG Animations
import { motion } from "framer-motion";
function App() {
return (
animate={{ scale: 1.2 }}
transition={{ duration: 0.5 }}
whileHover={{ scale: 1.1 }}
whileTap={{ scale: 0.9 }}
Hover and Click Me
export default App;
Framer Motion makes it simple to add declarative animations in React without complex CSS or keyframes.

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React Transition Group
Git Stats- Star: 10K | Fork: 697 | License: BSD 3-Clause License
NPM Stats– Weekly Download: 14,722,446 | Version: 4.4.5
Install: npm i react-transition-group
Next in the curated list of React animation library is React Transition Group. The React Transition Group is an effective package that makes managing transitions and animations in React applications easier. It does this by animating items as they navigate through DOM. By offering a selection of react Components that make element lifecycle management easier when elements are added to or removed from the user interface, it aids in creating fluid and aesthetically pleasing user interfaces. When components move through the user interface, this module is very helpful for smoothly coordinating animations and transitions that improve the user experience overall.
Key features of React Transition Group
- Animation and transition management
- Integration with React
- Control over enter and exit states
- Support for CSS transitions and animations
- Customizable timeouts and classNames
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Transition } from 'react-transition-group';
import './App.css'; // Import your CSS file with animation classes
function App() {
const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
const toggleElement = () => {
return (
<div className="app-container">
<button onClick={toggleElement}>Toggle Element</button>
<Transition in={show} timeout={300}>
{(state) => (
<div className={`box fade-${state}`}>
I'm fading in and out!
export default App;
React Lottie
Git Stats- Star: 1.6K | Fork: 353 | License: MIT
NPM Stats– Weekly Download: 345,929 | Version: 1.2.3
Install: npm i react-lottie
React Lottie serves as a React animation library that seamlessly integrates Lottie animations, which are typically crafted in Adobe After Effects and exported in JSON format, into React applications. This Library is tailored for cross-platform compatibility, simplifying the use of identical animations in various contexts, including web applications and mobile applications.
React Lottie provides users with control over animations, enabling developers to initiate, halt, pause, or fine-tune them as necessary, thus enhancing user interactions. Lottie animations are renowned for their impressive performance, and React Lottie capitalizes on this by ensuring the seamless execution of animations. Moreover, you can also adapt animation characteristics like dimensions, playback speed, and loop behavior to align with the unique needs of your application.
Key Features of React Lottie
- Integration with Lottie animations
- Easy integration into React applications
- Cross-platform support
- Animation control and interaction
- High-performance animations
- Customizable animation properties
- Support for JSON-based animations
import React from 'react';
import Lottie from 'react-lottie';
function App() {
const defaultOptions = {
loop: true, // Set to false if you don't want the animation to loop
autoplay: true, // Set to false if you want to control when the animation plays
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>React Lottie Example</h1>
<Lottie options={defaultOptions} height={200} width={200} />
export default App;
React Move
Git Stats- Star: 6.6K | Fork: 211 | License: MIT
NPM Stats– Weekly Download: 87,804 | Version: 6.5.0
Install: npm i react-move
React Move is a lightweight animation library for React that simplifies the process of creating CSS transition-based animations without having to deal with complex CSS syntax. It provides a declarative API to animate components on mount, unmount, or between different states using pre-defined animation presents like fade, bounce, slide, and zoom. React Move manages the underlying classes and animation frames to ensure smooth performance.
It uses techniques like FLIP (First, Last, Invert, Playback) to animate layout changes. The easy-to-use API abstracts away the transition specifics, making defining and reusing animations across components simple. While it provides lower-level control compared to physics-based animation libraries, React Move is designed to be a straightforward way to animate in React using CSS transitions without having to be an expert in animations.
Key Features of React Move
- Declarative API for animation transitions
- Reusable presents for common animations
- FLIP support for layout changes
- Manages CSS classes and frames
- CSS transition focused
- Simplifies transition definition
- Abstracts transition details
- Smooth multi-state sequencing
- Animate multiple elements
- Keeps CSS separate
import { Move } from "react-move";
function FadeInComponent({ show }) {
return (
opacity: 1,
transition: { duration: 500 },
{show && <div>Fading In...</div>}
function App() {
const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
return (
<button onClick={() => setShow(true)}>Fade In</button>
<FadeInComponent show={show} />
Git Stats- Star: 78.8K | Fork: 16.6K | License: MIT
NPM Stats– Weekly Download: 406,700 | Version: 4.1.1
Install: npm i animate.css
Animate.css is a popular CSS animation library that provides a collection of pre-made, cross-browser-compatible animations for adding visual effects and motion to web pages. This Library is widely used by web developers to easily integrate and apply animations to HTML elements without writing complex CSS animations from scratch.
Key Features of Animate.css
- Pre-made animations
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Easy integration
- Customization options
- Responsive animations
- Lightweight
- Open source
import React from 'react';
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<h1 className="animate__animated animate__bounce">Animated Bouncing!</h1>
export default App;
Wrapping Up!
React animation libraries, such as React Spring and Framer Motion, simplify complex animations, while CSS transition tools like React Move and Animate.css handle basic transitions. Utilities like React Transition Group manage transition states smoothly. These libraries empower React developers with declarative APIs and prebuilt components for faster, smoother animations in UI design. From page transitions to interactive effects, they ease animation development, letting developers focus on crafting engaging user experiences.

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